From black to white
the difference between day and night

asleep --- awake
you count the crimes
against god
against man
against time

your heart moves with passion
your soul fully there
but death threatens your security
and peace eludes your grasp

“I’ve finally made it
my name is known
i wow the crowds
they either love me or hate me”

time will tell, young man
for this god will not allow your show
to bring forth the ruin of a generation
tone it down?
tune it out?
shut it off?
these are all options
but i will do what will bring forth
your full freedom to perform

will you be loved then by all?
but you will know peace and soulful rest
and a companionship you have ached for
your whole life

severance of evil?
denial of permanence?
passage of the forlorn?
death of the escape?

look for me
i come
but not as you would hope
but i come
as i will come to many in this generation
i will put you in position where you will have to hear me
and then i will speak
and you will listen
and all that i say will bring freedom to your being
and you will know that the journey
was worth its weight in gold

sing a song?
oh yes, you were born to sing
but what song will you sing when the change comes?
what song would be appropriate?
what song would release the real adam?
what song has been engraved on your soul?
this is what we will discover together

do not lament the time or the place
where my hand comes upon your life
for in this placement of my hand
you will know that i love you beyond your sins
beyond your rebellion
beyond your creeds of pleasure
beyond your abominations
i love you!

this i will now show you
to what degree

lord god almighty