A time alone ~ 10 years, to be exact
A time of union with God
A time to learn to be all that He asks of me
A time, and yet, it seems timeless
to know Him ~ to Love Him ~ to Honor Him
to please Him

But, then I read of "Glorious Connections"
and I think . . .
"surely this does not include me
surely I won't be part of the group
surely the Body has still not been fully ready to receive me
and all that the Father speaks through me"

I still feel, as though, it is not yet time to join in
to be "gloriously connected"
for He shows me visions of Words which I send
all from Him
but some are circled and some crossed out
still not "approved" by others
but my heart is whole as I stay in His Presence
He speaks of His acceptance of me
and I don't truly ask Him when I'll be connected to others
It's not important to me
until it becomes important to Him

I write His Words, and yet, I don't understand them all
Some prophecies; some stories are given
in riddle form and I know that I only have
surface understanding
until He decides to reveal the fullness to me
but each "Word" that goes out from His Heart
is His and His, alone
to do with all that He desires
for my gifts of the Words are not truly for the people
for most despise them and rebuke them or worse,
ignore them
Now, when I write what God speaks to my heart
it becomes my gift to Him
wholly received
wholly accepted
no marks or exclusions
no criticisms or exceptions
Simply wisdom from above that this earth is not fully ready for
But God has said, that when He makes the people ready
then "signs and wonders" will prove His Authorship

No hurry ~~~ I've got time
for I am fully connected in a quite Glorious way
to the King of kings and the Lord of lords
He's all I need
He's all I want
He is my ALL in ALL!


~ ~ ~

God's Response:

Words cannot describe
how I will connect you to My Family
but know that it will be GLORIOUS
and the Words will finally all be received
Just as I told you years ago to continue to write all that I tell you
not to wait for understanding before you deliver the Words
I have not fully proven the Words to the others
but I will
I surely will

Your wait is not time away from Love
It is not time in a hard place because you have no "family"
It is, by far, LIFE and LOVE and PEACE
in My Presence
and that is truly what you have always preferred
since you encountered My Heart

Stay, friend
Deliver the Words
I will prove every one
but separate, you must be
until I speak the Words to join fully with the others

There is a war to fight on U.S. ground
which you are not to be a part of
You are called to prepare the Feast for the children
You are called to abide simply with Me
to hear all that needs to be written
to bring forth the end time




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