Walking in the desert

Another generation lost

Walking their own way
Giving mere credence to true belief

Pleasure and popularity
Are the gods of this day
As another generation walks
In circles without
Knowing / doing the Will of God

What will change the people?

Who can change the people?

The Truth has been given to them

It's just simply unacceptable

They despise it, dismiss it 

Or worse, believe that they 

Are adhering to it

But they are so far off the mark

Another generation lost 

In the desert

And we wait for revival

We say that we want revival

We fast and pray like good soldiers

But there is no true repentance

If there was true repentance

God would come in as a WAVE

And you would know His Presence

And His Will every second of every day

You say that you're waiting on God

To come through

News is: He's waiting on us

To truly and fully repent

To offer ourselves as a sacrifice

To represent Him purely

To listen to His Voice and obey

Until then, it's another generation

Lost in the desert of their own ways

Succumbing to the gods and idols

Of the land

And wasting their lives

Pleasing themselves

This can all change in one day

God can interrupt your comfort zone

And bring you deep into reality 

He has a set time to bring this about

But there won't be many chances left

For you see, He may just use you

As an example to the children

Of how not to waste their lives

Hunger and thirst for Righteousness

You refuse

Repent of your rebellion and apostasy

Not willing

Take up your cross to follow Him

Not today . . .

Lost in the desert

Circling like a mule on a wheel

But every day you have the choice

To change

What will it take for you to change,

To truly and fully repent?